Gluteal Muscle Research Paper

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The muscles in the butt (buttocks) are called gluteal muscles. A gluteal strain happens when the gluteal muscles are overstretched or torn. A tear can be partial or complete. A gluteal strain can cause pain and stiffness in your buttocks, legs, and lower back. A strain might be referred to as “pulling a muscle.”
The severity of a muscle strain is rated in degrees. First-degree strains have the least amount of muscle tearing and pain. Second-degree and third-degrees strains have increasingly more tearing and pain.

There are many possible causes of gluteal strain, such as:
Stretching the muscles too far.
• Putting too much stress on the muscles before they are warmed up.
• Overusing the muscles.
• Repetitive muscle movements …show more content…

Sometimes the pain that may spread to the lower back and the legs.
• Tenderness, weakness, or stiffness in the buttocks.
• Pain that gets worse during physical activity.
• Bruising.

This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms, a physical examination, and your medical history. Your health care provider may do some range of motion exercises with you. You move your leg in specific ways, sometimes with your health care provider pushing against your leg. You may also have tests, such as an MRI or X-rays.
Your strain may be rated based on how severe it is. The ratings are:
• Grade 1 strain (mild). Muscles are stretched. There might be very small tears. This type of strain generally heals in about one week.
• Grade 2 strain (moderate). Muscles are partially torn. This may take one to two months to heal.
• Grade 3 strain (severe). Muscles are completely torn (ruptured). This is very rare with gluteal muscles. A severe strain can take more than three months to heal. …show more content…

Mild sprains can be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This is referred to as the RICE method. If your gluteal strain is severe or causing you extreme pain, your health care provider may suggest pain medicines or physical therapy. A severe strain may require surgery, but this is rare.

• Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
• Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking prescription pain medicine.
• Return to your normal activities as told by your health care provider. Ask your health care provider what activities are safe for you.
○ Rest your gluteal muscles as much as possible, especially for the first 2–3 days.
○ Begin exercising or stretching as told by your health care provider.
• If directed, apply ice to the injured area:
○ Put ice in a plastic bag.
○ Place a towel between your skin and the bag.
○ Leave the ice on for 20 minutes, 2–3 times per day.
• Follow instructions from your health care provider about compression of the injured area.
• Keep all follow-up visits with your health care provider and, if necessary, your physical therapist. This is

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