Ancient Ireland Research Paper

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C. 7,500 B.C. The first humans land in Ireland myths has it they were magical beings they were known as “Tuatha de Danaans” fairy mythology goes that they used to transform into fairies. They live by hunting, fishing and gathering plants. C. 4,000 B.C. The first farmers arrive in Ireland who introduced pottery. C. 2,000 B.C Bronze is introduced into Ireland. c. 500 BC the Celts arrived on the shores of Ireland from Europe during what was known as the iron age, bringing weapons and iron tools along with them. The Celts subdued Ireland and separated its lands into small kingdoms. The Celts language was called Gaelic which Irish people years later still use as the language of Ireland. Storytelling originated from the Celts, popular stories like …show more content…

Patrick used a shamrock. To this day the shamrock is Ireland’s national flower. Ireland is home to 3000 pagans. Paganism branched into many different practices such as druidism, shamanism and Wicca also known as white magic. Ireland is becoming the place for Wiccans and pagans of all kinds as result of their Celtic origins. In the third century BCE first ancient priest were known as Druids, which played an important part in pagan Celtic society in Ireland Wicca arrived in Ireland in the late 1940’s according to the Celtic connection web page “Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions” Wicca spread throughout Europe starting in Ireland, Scotland and finally to Wales. A Celtic symbol related to the wiccan religion called a triquetra “tri” meaning three “quetra” meaning cornered believed to represent the triple goddess “trinity knot” interloped together shape sometimes with an added circle in or around it. Christians in Europe divided into two groups: the Protestants and the Roman Catholics during the 1500’s. In the year 1625 James VI signed the proclamation allowing for the English to go to Ireland. Taking 30,000 Irish prisoners to be sold into …show more content…

In the mid 1800’s Ireland’s flag was created, bright orange which represented the Protestants green which represents the Roman Catholics and white which represents the hope for peace between both groups. Ireland is a developed country according the rating from the United Kingdom has put Ireland coming in at number seven due to the life expectancy being 78.9 years. In the years of 1845-47 Ireland’s population went from 8 million to 5 million due to the Irish potato famine, which was the period of mass starvation, disease and emigration. In 1848-1850 Cholera epidemics spread due to infected drinking water supply. Ireland is situated in the Atlantic Ocean and separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea. Half the size of Arkansas, it occupies the entire island except for the six counties, which are; Antrim, Armagh, Fermanagh, Cavan, Monaghan, and Donegal that make up Northern Ireland. Ireland has a central plain rimmed with mountains, except in the Dublin region. The mountains are low, with the highest peak, Carrantuohill in County Kerry, rising to 3,415 ft (1,041