Andrew Jackson Cartoon Analysis

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Andrew Jackson is shown in all three cartoons. The first cartoon’s significance is showing Andrew Jackson as “King Andrew”. The main importance of this is to show he had power and could veto bills. There are no dates or certains numbers in this cartoon. The word veto standed out to me and the declaration of independence on the floor in this cartoon the most. Andrew is showing a stern and powerful emotion in his face to express a sense of power. Andrew is standing stern and tall in the cartoon, and i believe the overall message is to show andrews power. I believe I would have disagreed with the cartoon at the time, because I don 't agree with the fact of expressing power through a king position. I believe the depiction of andrew was unfair because he did not rule as if he was king. When i look at the second cartoon of andrew jackson i think of something dark. The rats and the bat make me think evil, and andrew looks like a vampire. I believe the main importance of this cartoon is to show andrew in charge. There are not any numbers or dates in this cartoon. The phrase “Altar of reform” stood out to me, and the rats with members running, which made me think andrews ruling …show more content…

In the third cartoon, its significance is andrew being surrounded by indians and holding two on them in his lap. I believe this depicted andrew 's relationship with the indians. There are no significant dates or numbers in this cartoon. There are no word or phrases in this cartoon, however the indians really stick out to me. Andrew and the indians are really expressing any emotions, but by him holding two of them in his lap is an expression an emotion of care or sympathy. I believe the overall message is to show andrew 's relationship with the indians. I am okay with this cartoon, i don’t think it 's doing anything wrong by providing an example for others to share the same kind of relationship with the indians as andrew did. I believe the depiction is fair and expresses their relationship