What Is Andrew Jackson Evil

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Born in poverty, Andrew Jackson had become a wealthy Tennessee lawyer and rising young politician by 1812. When war broke out between the United States and Britain, his leadership in that conflict earned Jackson national fame as a military hero and he would become America’s most influential and polarizing political figure during the 1820’s and 1830’s. The year is 1763 in Tennessee and Washington D.C. during the life of Andrew Jackson. As he lived, Mr. Jackson did some foolish things and some impacting things. An example of three of the foolish things that Mr. Jackson did are the following: He was a supporter of slavery’s extension into the New Western territories, Andrew Jackson took no action after Georgia claimed millions of acres of land …show more content…

This shows how Andrew Jackson was good because he helped the Union out. On history.com it states “ While urging Congress to lower the high tariffs, Jackson sought and obtained the authority to order federal armed forces to South Carolina to enforce federal laws. Violence seemed imminent, but South Carolina backed down, and Jackson earned credit for preserving the Union in its greatest moment of crisis.” This is one of the many examples of how Andrew Jackson was sometimes nice. This other example is showing what action Andrew Jackson did to show how he was evil. The example of how Andrew Jackson was evil was that he was a supporter of slavery expanding to the western part of America. On the website history.com it stated that many people did not like him because he supported slavery should grow to the new western territories so this made his look like a cruel person to many people. This a good example because slavery was wrong and Andrew Jackson approved of it. These are two good examples of what good and bad things Andrew Jackson …show more content…

Calhoun. And Andrew Jackson took no action after Georgia claimed millions of acres of land guaranteed to the Cherokee Indians under federal law, and he declined to enforce a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Georgia had no authority over Native American tribal lands. The last example of how he was good was that Andrew Jackson Confronted the issue head-on in his battle against the South Carolina legislature, led by the formidable Senator John C. Calhoun. On History.com it states that Andrew jackson Was the only one that confronted it. This is a very good example of how Andrew Jackson was nice. The last example of how Andrew Jackson was evil was that Andrew Jackson took no action after Georgia claimed millions of acres of land guaranteed to the Cherokee Indians under federal law, and he declined to enforce a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Georgia had no authority over Native American tribal lands. History.com states that andrew Jackson made them walk the trail of tears were 15,000 Indians died. This is a last very good example of how Andrew Jackson was evil. These are the last examples of how andrew Jackson was good and