
Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson, The People's President, a man of firm conviction and bravado to boot, a man that both exemplify the Southern gentry yet constantly drew criticism as an untamed ruffian, unfit for the higher office of the Presidency. Self motivated, headstrong, and far too stubborn for his own worth, it surely came as no surprise to those against him that the early days of his Presidency arrived with controversy and contention, even among Jackson’s chosen. Indeed, history will always remember the Petticoat Affair that so consumed the attention of Washington officials within the early 1830s. But the question remains, why was a President, with so many vocal dissidents nipping at his coat tail, so ready, and willing to defend a supposed adulterer …show more content…

Firstly, Jackson’s personal relationships were very important to him, as many members of his cabinet and for that matter positions in Washington were merely given to those who supported his campaigning (119, Cheathem). Secondly, Jackson was naturally distort by the loss his wife, and saw his own personal history with his late wife playing out in a similar fashion before him (124, Cheathem). Yet, I would argue, that this reason would be more of a secondary reason, as Jackson’s backing of the Eaton’s forwent his relationship with his nechie, effectively showing that his commit to family and friends were at equal levels. If this were a simple reminiscing of Rachel it would stand to reason that Jackson would have caved in favor of his niece. With these two areas in mind, the third reason for Jackson’s supporting of the Eaton’s was simply becuase giving in was not something he could afford to do, both personally and …show more content…

To this point, there are two main issues at play. First, the death of Jackson’s wife, which made Jackson turn to family and close friends, as with his wife gone and no children of his own, Jackson was left alone during a very important time in his life. This solace in friends that Jackson found is part two of this issue, as Jackson’s early presidency was heavily influenced by his close friends, especially those he helped into positions of power. John Eaton was just another friend, one of which Jackson found himself embroidered in. Rachel was a very pious and private woman, this is most certainly seen in the unfortunate circumstance that led to her death. As David Reynolds points out in Waking Giant, Rachael feel ill after she overhear conversations about her marriage with Jackson, more particularly how she lived as a dually married woman with Jackson (p, 78 Reynolds). The illness described is similar to that of a heart attack, and while she died after the incident, it is apparent it was due to her disdain of the public life and her failing heart. It would stand to reason that Jackson would not have fought so hard to aid the Eaton’s affair as Rachel would have hated the spotlight, for fear of their own marriage being

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