Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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UNIT 6 DBQ Andrew Jackson once said “Every good citizen makes his country’s honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and its conscious that he gains protection while he gives it.” Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States from 1829 to 1837 and brought many changes to the government. He had a political movement during the Second Party System, along with his supporters, called Jacksonian democracy. It was founded in 1828, a year before his presidency. Their ideology was populism, agrarianism and manifest destiny. Although Jacksonian Democrats view themselves as guardians of the United States Constitution, democracy, liberty and equality, they however failed to advocate there philosophy. When Jackson went in contradiction of the Indian Removal Act and South Carolina resolutions, the Unites States Constitution was not protected. In the case of Worchester versus Georgia, where non- Native Americans were permitted on Native American land because it was unconstitutional. In this case Jackson did not agree and went against the Supreme Court resolution. The Trail of Tears was the forced removal of Indians from Georgia to the Oklahoma Territory because there was gold found in Georgia. This was the …show more content…

Political democracy was shown with the popular elections for president but the spoils system ruined that. In 1828 the increased voters elected more offices. The spoils system gave jobs to close friends or relatives, therefore everyone could not fairly get a political job. Although the politics of the United States did not agree on much while shaping the nation, when Harriet Martineau visited in 1834, she was impressed with the United States political democracy. She compared her country, Europe, to America and stated that the people of the nation were judges on the candidates for office. (Document

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