Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act Analysis

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This first seminar was successful due to the insightful comments and output every person brought when conveying our thoughts on Jackson’s actions and the Indian Removal Act. The inception of the seminar began with Maria straight out stating how Andrew Jackson was to blame and he het congress enact the bill. This was the center of our conversation for a good 15 minutes before we switched to examine why Andrew Jackson may have been forced and obligated to enact the Indian Removal Act. Sam discussed how Andrew Jackson had to “ultimately choose,” between his own citizens and the Native Americans. And he was not the only one that wanted this Act, but a majority in congress supported it, which is the reason it passed. I brought up the idea that maybe this was a form of revenge by the American people for the resistance that the Native’s put up during the War of 1812. But, Matt made the argument that if this was done as a …show more content…

But, my argument revolved around the question, why did Andrew Jackson wish to addresses this problem towards the end of his presidency? Why did he leave President Martian Van Buren in such difficult conundrums, which lead his political career to be criticized very heavily? Finally, as the period was coming to an end, the final connection that was drawn was between the rhetoric of the Indian Removal Act and the rhetoric that revolves around major world issues today such as ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis. The fleeing refuses are not allowed entry into our nation because many key political figures are expressing how they are “part of ISIS,” and will lead America to its knees. This mimics the way the white settlers in the southern states portrayed the Native Americans, who stated how “uncivilized,” they were. Controversial issues such as this one really shows the insight my fellow peers have and the ideology they