
Andy Jackson's Short Story

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Andy Jackson was an average fourteen year old. He loved to go to school, play outside, and hang out with his friends. He lived in a small, blue-sided house just outside of his homey little town of Springbrook. He lived there with his mom, dad, and dog. His dog was his best friend. His name was Jack. He liked playing with Jack more than almost anything else. His parents had gotten him the little puppy when Andy was barely walking. Even though Jack was old an old dog now, he still usually played with Andy like he did when he was a puppy. Not lately though. Recently, Jack has been acting strange. He didn’t eat much, and he got tired fast. This worried Andy. Andy was a pretty tall kid for a fourteen year old. Nearly as tall as his dad. So about …show more content…

He kicked a stone as he slowly strolled down the road, and into the driveway. He walked up his porch, and into the house. He plopped his backpack on the ground, and walked over to Jack’s bowls. He filled one by slowly pouring dog food out of a bag into it, then took the other bowl, and filled it up with fresh water. Then, he walked to the back door, opened it, and let out a whistle. Jack didn’t come. Once more, and his dog still did not …show more content…

He was laying there motionless. Andy swallowed away the lump in his throat. He ran over to him. “Jack!” he yelled. When he put his hand on his golden fur, Jack did not budge. He started to shiver as his eyes started to burn. “Mom! Dad!” Andy screamed. Moments later, his father rushed to his side. “What’s the problem Andy?” He questioned. “Jack’s gone… He- He’s dead.” “I,” his father stopped and and choked back a tear. “I am so sorry son.” The next day at school, Andy did not hang out with his friends. He did not eat his lunch by his friends. He barely even ate lunch. In his classes, he wasn’t really listening, he was just thinking about Jack. He should’ve known this was coming! All the signs were there, he just wasn’t picking them up. Lately, Jack was so tired. He barely played. He wasn’t eating much at all. Andy thought, if he would’ve figured all this out sooner than he did, then would Jack still be alive? That was it! he thought, it was all his fault! He tried not to cry by all of his classmates. The bell rung and he went

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