Andy Warhol And The Pop Art Movement

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Pop art was first made in Britain during the mid-1950s, an attempt to create more

effective forms of mass communication, such as television, movies, magazines, and newspapers.

Artists wanted to express their confidence about the future, after World War II, and create a

youthful image. Pop art evolved as an attempt to reintroduce the image as a structural device in

painting, to pull art back from the unimportance of abstraction into the real world again. New

York artists of the early 1960s such as Andy Warhol was most associated with the pop art

movement. Pop art was a major shift for the direction of modernism and has become one of the

most recognizable styles of modern art.

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American artist who

More about Andy Warhol And The Pop Art Movement