Angelina Jolie My Hero Essay

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My heroine is Angelina Jolie since I was 6 years old. For me a hero is someone that helps people, take care of them, it is kind, intelligent, brave, and humble. I chose her to be my hero, because she has all the qualities to be a heroine. She helps and saves people all over the world. This is a big deal to me and it is what I want to do when I grow up. One example of her kindness, was when she helped Vietnam, and she did it so well that she earned the right to a Vietnamese passport. She also works for UN, an organization that helps and saves people. She is a model person to me, because she awoke the part of me that likes helping people. A classical and/or epic hero is someone brave, strong, noble, intelligent, someone that helps people,a male person, and might be a son of a god or goodness. But nowadays we have a different type of a hero, we have a modern-day hero. A modern-day hero is someone that has some of a classical/epic hero qualities, but it is a little bit different. Today a modern-day hero does not have to be noble, or son …show more content…

She was born in Los Angeles, California. She is daughter of Jon Voight e Marcheline Bertrand, and in 1976 her parents divorced. After the divorce, she started living with her mom. With eleven years old she started doing theater classes for 2 years. But with 14 years old she left the theater classes and had the want to be a funeral agent. After some years she went to a private school,that she did not feel that she belonged, and her self-esteem was low. She started cutting herself, because she did not feel good at that school, and shaded not want to go work as a model. Angelina was in a dark time as teenager. When she became an adult she started working as an actress and at the UN, an organization that help and saves people. In 2009, she earned her first Oscar. Now she has 6 children with Brad Pitt, who she is together since 2005. Some of their children are adopted, and they are from other