Animal Farm Chapter 5

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Chapter 7 Summary from Animal Farm by George Orwell

Chapter 7 picks up a few months after the time that Chapter 6 has ended. Animal Farm is currently enduring a hard winter, with large amounts of snow and the cold. Even so, the animals on the farm continue working on the windmill. During this time, the Humans living in England pretend to believe that Snowball destroyed the windmill, citing structural issues. The animals thicken the walls, which required more work and lowered morale. The food supply later runs dry, with rations being reduced and discoveries upon the perishability of their foodstuffs. The pigs conceal this fact from the humans, by fooling Mr. Whymper into believing there were large stores of food left, by faking the food …show more content…

Nine hens died during the rebellion. In the meantime Napoleon begins deciding whether to sell some wood the farm possesses to either Pinchfield farm (run by Mr. Frederick), or Foxwood farm (run by Mr. Pilkington). It is later revealed that Snowball had been roaming the farm at night, sabotaging the farm, and regardless of what problem there is in the farm, it is suddenly attributed to Snowball. At this Napoleon and the dogs begin security inspections of the farm. Squealer later announces to the farm that Snowball was recently revealed to have been allied to Frederick of Pinchfield, and that a plot has been found, indicating an imminent attack. Snowball is said to have been Jones’s secret agent from the beginning. Many animals disagree, citing the Battle of Cowshed, especially Boxer, who eventually relents after hearing that Napoleon decreed it. Squealer is spotted throwing dirty glances at Boxer afterwards. A general meeting is later called by Napoleon, in which Boxer is attacked by the dogs (whom he defeats, but does not kill per Napoleon’s wishes), and 4 pigs are convicted of having been in league with Snowball. They are then executed after having confessed. This then sparks a long series of confessions, in which