Animal Farm Essay

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The book that I have chosen to be challenged is Animal Farm by George Orwell. The summary ofthis book is that the animals of the farm weren’t getting the right care from their farmer. The animalsbegan to take control. Old Major, an aging horse, talks to the animals of Manor Farm to rebel against thefarm’s owner and to reclaim their rights and to establish the animals equality. Old Major dies and isreplaced by pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, who get all the animals on the farm in which they agree to getall the human farmers off the farm. The pigs come up with seven commandments/laws to ensure everyoneis equal on Animal Farm, but soon after they began to award themselves special privileges.After a struggle in power, Napoleon kicks Snowball off of the farm. …show more content…

The pigsbecome cruel therefore killing other animals that stand on two legs. They also drank alcohol which madeliving life for all animals bad. “A Wisconsin survey revealed in 1963 that the John Birch Society hadchallenged the novel's use; it objected to the words "masses will revolt." In 1968, the New York StateEnglish Council's Committee on Defense Against Censorship conducted a comparable study in NewYork State English classrooms. Its findings identified the novel on its list of "problem books"; the reasoncited was that "Orwell was acommunist."”( the book, you do see some traits that seem close to some type of Communist theorybut yet its how you view it. Such as, there is a sturdy and loyal old work horse, that is sent off to beslaughtered and turned into dog food and bone meal, under the notion he is being hospitalized. What part