Animal Farm Propaganda Analysis

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The propaganda used in Animal Farm is most effective when the animals are considering lesser of two evils or a transfer because they lead the animals to believe what the propagandist is saying is their best option. In the beginning of the novel, Squealer manipulates the other animals into believing that ¨the whole management and organisation of [the] farm depends on [them]...[and] it is for [the other animals] sake [the pigs] drink the milk and eat [the] apples [because if they did not] Jones would come back!¨ (Orwell 31). The use of a transfer also works as fear tactic by connecting Jones possible return and the pigs health when they are not necessarily connected; any objections the animals had are forgotten because of the association between …show more content…

After the Rebellion in Animal Farm, everything deemed as being a distinctly human possession or trait was not to be used by the animals: “ribbons … should be considered as clothes, which are the mark of a human being. All animals should go naked” (Orwell 17). At the start, there is a defined distinction between how things were before and how they plan things to be in the future. The animals are determined to be and to make things different than there were before with the humans in charge. Two distinctly human habits the animals were against at the beginning of the Rebellion was the drinking of alcohol and killing animals for a profit, but after Boxer was taken away by a horse slaughter’s truck, “no one stirred in the farmhouse before noon on the following day, and the word went round that from somewhere or other the pigs had acquired the money to buy themselves another case of whisky” (Orwell 111). Whiskey was set aside as being human originally, but the pigs have become drunk, so to speak, on this power they have found that they have began to make excuses for why their actions are acceptable. The power becomes overwhelming and they want more of it, so they begin to morph into something else, even though it goes against the standards they originally set. The little actions the pigs take to get to