Anne Blair's Narrative Fiction

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The hard metallic sound of vehicles approaching had Blair ripping her gaze from the woman in front of her to glance back at the entrance of the library. Men, and they were close. Her lip curled and she felt disgust at the idea of their sullying this beautiful place with their stink and filth and...cruelty. She turned back to the other woman, shocked to see the tears in her eyes and it had Blair faltering, unsure. This human had spared her, was offering her the chance of escape.

She didn't have the luxury of debating with herself or allowing herself to explore the pangs of empathy she felt towards the other woman and what had to have been a horrible experience before with her own kind. Gritting her teeth she turned on her heel, ducking into …show more content…

She couldn't shake the way the other woman had spared her life, it went against everything the covens preached about the supposed rabid and moral lacking humans scavanging the wastelands out side of their safe havens and cities. Meant for nothing more than bloodsport and hunting, the men too mentally stunted to be saved, women often too broken to even used as a proper victim of thrall. Sometimes the children were only deemed salvagable, if caught young enough they would be brought back and raised by other thralls to a proper age before being chosen as a bloodslave. The Lordes of the Brotherhood overseeing the covens of this land warned her kind against trying to reason with their madness. The madness of their men she had seen the after effects of, experienced in their violence and savagery. The women? She was yet to come across one that had been outside of a clan that wasn't a corpse. Seeing one in the flesh, living and breathing, still with shreds of her own person and being so vibrant and full of had her teeth set on edge and a hiss welling up in her throat at the idea of what the men approaching the building would put her through if they found