Anne Bradstreet Religion

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As one of the most renowned writers of the 17th century, Anne Bradstreet exemplified the major influence of the puritan religion in Early American literature. Intriguingly, in some of her poems, Bradstreet struggled between her own human needs/individualistic wants and her puritan codes of belief. In her poem, “Before the Birth of One of Her Children”, Bradstreet recognizes God’s power over death as she refrains from resenting what is in God’s control as she speaks to her husband about her possible death. However, she shows how helpless she is when she tries to hold to her puritan codes yet reverts back to her selfish and individualistic feelings. “If any worth or virtue were in me, let that live freshly in thy memory… With some sad sighs honor my absent Herse; and kiss this …show more content…

Common Sense dwells on the freedom of America. However, it is not only focused on freedom from Britain, but the sort of freedom that America will experience once it governs itself and a way through that is simply taking power from Britain. By encouraging a shift in power to the colonies, Paine also advocates for individualism. Pain calls for the freedom of an individual to be able to express his or her thoughts. For all that to be achieved, Paine tells America to fight for power. “A government of our own is our natural right…it is infinitely safer to form a constitution of our own…while we have it in our power.” (Paine 43). In an article titled “Thomas Paine and the Declaration of Independence”, Gary Berton points out contradictory statements by John Adams and Pauline Maier which discredit Common Sense and its role in the declaration for independence (Berton n.p). In line with my own understanding and the facts laid out by Berton, I find their argument disagreeable. Furthermore Berton asserts that there is no evidence to back such claims against Paine’s Common