Paine's Argument For American Independence

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“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind” (Paine 1). With the Revolutionary War beginning in 1775, and the publication of Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, only a year later, this statement was widely recognized and addressed the issue at hand: the fight for independence. According to Paine’s assertion, America’s desire for peace and freedom is a basic necessity of life; it is what all men desire. Despite this innate thirst for liberty, many residents of America’s thirteen colonies were fearful of Great Britain, and because of this fear, complied with Great Britain’s every whim. Consequently, most colonists were hesitant to fight against the mother country for independence. But Paine would not accept this attitude. …show more content…

The author begins by invalidating any rally for peace maintained by the loyalty of hereditary succession, saying “The whole history of England disowns the fact” (Paine 21), followed by evidence of the many civil wars fought by the English. By evaluating these facts, the reader is able to clearly see how hereditary succession does the opposite of its purpose: it establishes quarrels and thwarts peace. Paine also considers the belief that the British government is credited with American prosperity, and because of this, Great Britain will always be of necessity to America. Though Paine refutes this immediately comparing the belief to these absurd notions: “…because a child has thrived upon milk, that it is never to have meat, or that the first twenty years of our lives is to become a precedent for the nest twenty” (Paine 25). Paine even disproves the necessity of reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain with two major points. In summarization, he says reconciliation will bring ruin because of the British desire to advance at the expense of America and Great Britain’s inability to protect or govern the colonies due to its distance from the continent (page 36-40). By providing numerous logical responses to arguments opposing the formation of America into its own state, Paine assures worries common among colonists, gaining even more advocates for American