Anne Descartes Persuasion

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“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things”- Rene Descartes. Out of the multitude of characters in Jane Austen’s novel, Persuasion, only a few would get Rene Descartes approval as those who knew truth. Anne Elliot, and Mrs. Smith are the two characters in the novel that Descartes would approve of because of their ability to go against the norms of the society they currently live in.
Descartes would approve of Anne Elliot knowing the truth because of her ability in the novel to question the opinions of those around her and from opinions of her own. Growing up, Anne was the middle child of three girls whose father was vain and used their “beauty” to decide how much he cared for them after their mother died. For example, in Anne’s earlier years she hit puberty earlier than other girls her age and her as she continued to get older her father started to see her as getting uglier than she was before. On page 48, there is a description of how Sir Walter Elliot, Anne’s father, feels about his daughters. When it comes to his opinion on Anne, Sir Walter Elliot thinks this about his daughter …show more content…

Smith knew truth because of her ability to go through such horrible things and still be able to face the world with a auspicious outlook, despite society judging her for what she has gone through. Instead she chooses to let them come to the truth on their own. Prior to the novels beginning Anne and Mrs. Smith attended the same school together and were good friends. During their years apart Mrs. Smith had become a widow, left in debt, and crippled by an illness she contracted. Now she lives alone and is completely withdrawn from society until Anne rekindles their friendship. Despite going through the terrible things Mrs. Smith still has a positive outlook on life. For example, on page 174 readers are first introduced to Mrs. Smith; Anne describes her by