
Anne Frank Research Paper

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English 102
Research essay
12 October 2017

Anne Frank Anne Marie Frank was born on the twelfth day of June in 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany to Otto and Edith Frank, both who came from respected German Jewish families. Anne and her older sister Margot grew up in a Germany. (“Anne Frank” 1). When Anne reached the age to attend school, she attended a Montessori school in her neighborhood. She learned to speak Dutch fluently and quickly found new friends with her classmates. For several years, her childhood remained quite untouched by the growing unrest in Europe. Despite these conditions, Anne’s interests resembled those of girls her age reading fan magazines, favorite …show more content…

Following the Nazi occupation of Holland in 1940, a number of restrictions were placed on Jews and Anne was required to transfer to a Jewish only school. She was popular and outgoing with her friends. They called her “miss chatterbox”, because she liked to talk. (“ The Diary of Anne Frank” 1). The Nazi’s came to power in Germany in 1933. It was no secret they were antisemitism. In 1919 Adolf Hitler wrote “Rational anti-Semitism must lead to legal opposition…its final objective must unswervingly be removal of the Jews altogether”. Hitler viewed Jews as an evil race struggling for world domination. The Nazi’s viewed the Jews as a race and not a religious group. Religious anti-Semitism could be resolved by talking. The logic of the racial anti-Semitism led to annihilation. (“Holocaust”1). The holocaust killed six million Jewish men, women, and children, plus millions of innocent bystanders in Nazi, Germany during world war two. The Germans called the war the final solution to the Jews. The word holocaust means to sacrifice or burn as a whole. This word was chosen by the Nazi killing program. The bodies of the victims were consumed over an open fire. (“ Holocaust” …show more content…

The diary had been discovered in the raid of the annex in 1944. A woman by the name Gies had retrieved and kept the diary hidden. She returned it to Anne’s father upon his return to Frankfurt, Germany. The book was published in 1947.The diary was translated into English in 1952. In the diary Anne wondered whether anyone would ever be interested in the thoughts of a thirteen year old school girl. (“Anne Frank” 1). The diary soon became an international sensation. (“Anne Frank” 1). The diary got praise for its documentary value of a Jewish life in hiding during world war two, but to a greater degree for its perspective of an intelligent and talented writer maturing from a child to an adult. In consideration of ordinary people facing death in extraordinary circumstances. The diary reveals Anne understands of universal moral issues and her typical concerns of a young woman, including the difficult relationships of a mother and the teenage yearning for love. (“Anne Marie Frank” 1). However, many readers felt the need to write Anne’s father, until his death in 1980 he replied back to young people all around the world. In 1959 a film based on the diary was released. In 1955 the diary was written into a play with a revival in 1997. In 1955 a new English translation was published. (“ The Diary of Anne

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