Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Young Girl

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“What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again.”-Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young Girl. We all have heard of World War II, the massive murder of countless Jews. Anne Frank along with seven others fled to hide in the Secret Annexe hoping not to be caught everyday. I believe the dominant theme of this diary is facing reality. Unlucky Jews faced a reality, as living circumstances, that became a horrific nightmare. Their freedom, or what was left of it was taken away. As some jews fled to countries, some were unlucky and had to face the upcoming events. Anne lists how, “Jews aren’t allowed to go to cinemas, not allowed to go to many resturants, no bikes, got stripped of citizenship, lost the right to vote,”. This meaning …show more content…

But there were other realities that Jews lived. Such as Jenny Misuchin. “Jenny went on missions with the partisans, blowing up bridges, derailing troop trains, cutting communications wires, nursing wounded partisans, taking revenge on collaborators {people who cooperate with the German soldiers}.” This was the life Jenny chose as a Jew, she chose to leave her family to join fighters to fight against the Nazi’s for the right cause. In the article Eyewitnesses at Auschwitz-Birkenau “ Men,women, and children from all over Europe, Jews and non-Jews were brought to Auschwitz by the trainload. They first went through a selection process to determine who would live (for a while) and who would die immediately. Selections were based on physical appearance rather than age. Children who looked younger than 15 were automatically sent to be killed along with their mothers, as were the elderly or any who looked frail, no matter what their age. Those selected were told they were going through a disinfecting shower, after which they would be housed in the camp” This was most of Jews reality during the tragic Holocaust. Either be selected to be slaves or death. Death is the option most used. These eyewitnesses informed the world of this inhumane actions at the death camps. Anne frank and her family faced another type of reality. The reality of going into hiding. “The hiding place was located in Father's office