Military Climate Essay

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Introduction The Army accomplishes many missions in diverse and unusual circumstances worldwide. Leaders that develop others is the most important when building and leading units in an ever-changing operational environment. Army Field Manual 6-22 highlights that the "development of people is an Army priority. "2 Leaders must grow in their ability to understand and assess under differing conditions at each leadership level. This essay discusses the importance of Army leaders fostering positive climates and developing themselves, their subordinates, and organizations to build successful teams.

Creating a Positive Environment
An organization's climate affects morale, cohesion, commitment, trust, and productivity. These factors support the importance of creating a positive environment by maintaining open and candid communications and providing supportive learning environments. According to Army Doctrine 6-0, "A positive command climate instills a sense of trust within units." 3 Members in organizations with positive climates can better address challenges and achieve better results. Furthermore, organizations with an adverse climate likely need help adapting to changing environments and need to catch up in meeting expectations. When leaders affect their organization’s climate by modeling appropriate behavior, maintaining Army culture and core values, …show more content…

Self-development bridges learning gaps between the operational and institutional domains and sets conditions for continuous learning and growth.4 Personal growth benefits both the leader and subordinates. Leaders create these capabilities by studying doctrine and contextualizing the information with personal experiences, military history, and geopolitical awareness. Developing oneself acknowledges the importance of life-long learning and fosters a culture of leaders who thirst for knowledge and