Strengths-Based Army Leadership
The U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, known as ARI, interviewed 41 active duty Army leaders. Most of the Army leaders interviewed by ARI acknowledged using strengths-based techniques to some extent, frequently without an obvious knowledge of strengths-based leadership theory (Key-Roberts, 2014). In spite of that, several soldiers claimed to have found the techniques very effective. Six ways Army superiors can develop juniors based on strengths-based leadership theory are: spotting strengths, giving personalized feedback, capitalizing on subordinate strong points, building and maintaining a positive atmosphere, looking after subordinates’ wellbeing, and giving authority to developing
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There is no doubt that being able to utilize the immediate strengths of individuals will result in tremendous benefits especially in the short-term. However, in order for the younger leaders to be most effective, I believe that their deficiencies need to be corrected in a timely manner. As much as I endorse strength-based Army leadership, how about if it is taken a step further and be viewed as overall Army leadership? If one is an overall leader, one will not only be effective in certain situations, but one will be effective in all situations. Let us view an initial strength as an area that requires less focus and divert that time that we do not have to spend in the area that is already developed towards eliminating weaknesses that require greater attention. In that way, we will not have a leader with great strengths but significant weaknesses. Instead, we will have an individual with strengths in all areas. After all, a partially developed leader can only give part of a complete leader’s performance. Therefore, the question is: is it better to utilize immediate strengths and continue to receive part of a whole? Or, is it more worthwhile to correct deficiencies now and have less today but more there