Anne Frank's Diary: Comparing The Book And Movie

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I am a person who usually doesn’t like to read the original book of movies, but when it comes to Anne Frank’s diary the book is definitely better. My main reason why I like the book better is the full detail. My second reason is because it is a Primary source of what was happening. The last reason is because the movie doesn’t follow the order of the diary. I hope you understand my reasoning and enjoy this essay. Details and quality are the things I usually look for when I read books and watch movies. Anne did a great job of describing her days in the “Secret Annex”, the Diary told how she felt, in the movie she did have voice overs on the situations but it did not give the whole insight of all of her feelings. I feel as though the movie did not show half of the diary’s greatness by not showing the details. In my opinion, the details of the diary show how her current state of happiness and well-being was. Here is an example of my current statement and belief, “It was horrid of me to treat her as I did, and now she looked at me, oh so helplessly, with her pale face and imploring eyes.” The movie never got that in depth with her feeling like that, it was a mere narration. …show more content…

Primary sources are an item from a time in history, like pictures, artifacts, documents and in our case, a diary also works. A secondary source is about an event after it has passed, like textbooks and the secondary source in this situation would be the movie. I dislike the movie because it is a secondary source, to me, it isn’t from the actual time which makes it not capture the situation that well. So the diary feels more reliable with how things actually went