Annie's Argument Analysis: Teddy Grahams

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On one of our weekly shopping trips, my mother and I passed through the health food section in order to pick up some bread. I began to browse and noticed a sale tag hanging off the end of a shelf. The bright yellow tag with bright red numbers seemed to call out to me. It read “2/$5.00”. Upon approaching the shelf, I realized that it was everyone's favorite snack, Teddy Grahams. But, these were bunnies and the box read “Annie’s”. I had a preconceived notion that these Annie’s Bunny Grahams were the company's way of getting over on society. The marketers had put a new label on Teddy Grahams, changed the shape of the snack, and used the same exact ingredients. Moreover, by adding the words “organic” and “homegrown” the product could sell at …show more content…

I have encountered a number of health issues, which have hindered my abilities to partake in many activities. As a naturally driven person, it was very difficult to accept the fact that, amongst other things, my schooling was being put at a standstill. I have blamed myself for the past few months, despite what everyone has told me: “it's not your fault,” “you couldn't control it,” “it's okay,” etc. I often question the actuality of what has developed over this past year, and I wonder “whether I could have altered the outcome?” However, as challenging as my life has been, I have come to accept that things do not always go as planned, and that you must always persevere. Annie’s Bunny Grahams have brought so much joy into my life. Through all of my hospital visits and days in bed where I was physically unable to move, I have found my warm fuzzy feeling within a bag of these little delicacies. I could never have imagined that something as small as a bunny biscuit would have such a positive impact on me. Even now, as I write this essay, I sit eating a box of Annie’s Bunny Grahams thinking that I must always be grateful for the little treasures I find in my