Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
Statement of instructional problem, challenge.
Over the past few years, math achievement scores for 5th graders at Clermont Elementary School have decreased. In the 2012-2013 school year, 75% of fifth graders passed the math SOL. Only 71% passed in 2013-2014. Based on preliminary data from the 2014-2015 grade 5 math SOL, only 44% of students passed this assessment which is a drastic decline.
State guiding question(s):
Does flexible grouping in math increase student achievement in large classes?
Full Source Reference
Matthews, M. S., Ritchotte, J. A., & McBee, M. T. (2013). Effects of School-Wide Cluster Grouping and Within-Class Ability Grouping on Elementary School Students’ Academic Achievement Growth. High Ability …show more content…

These scores were examined over three school years. The southwestern United States elementary school used for this study was a dual-language immersion charter school which serves 360 students form K-6. Students who were identified as gifted currently enrolled in grades 3-6, were pulled into a separate math class for instruction while non-identified students were grouped based on their ability in the other classrooms. The school uses scores from the following assessments to determine student placement in groups: Cognitive Abilities Test (COgAT), Iowa Test of Basic Skills, and …show more content…

We do group students in reading at my school; however, we only group Advance Academics (gifted and talented) students in a separate math class. In this article, the school grouped both the gifted students and the non-identified students in ability groups within the classroom as well as in advanced classes. Due to the large number of students in the upper grade levels, specifically 5th grade, grouping students within the classroom will all teachers to provide more individual support to students. Along with cluster grouping, my school should have more professional development opportunities offered in math. I feel that this article will help teachers and administrators at my school see the measureable gains that can be made over the course of multiple years using grouping and professional

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