Annotated Bibliography On Immigration

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Immigration: An Annotated Bibliography Introduction: Immigration has been a topic of controversy for many years and served as the root of many social and political problems in America. The two different sides of this controversy are both based on facts and strong opinions and boils down to personal belief. With immigration there is always a game of tug of war being played on morals. Whether it be kids, the elderly, hard workers, and the disabled that come over to this country that have established lives and now call this nation home, or the terrorists, criminals, and free loaders that come to America to feed off the melting pot and live as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The major problems most notably presented on immigration are the political …show more content…

2017. Originally published as "Conservative Group Pegs Cost of 'Path to Citizenship' at $6.3T,", 6 May 2013. In this article, Dunn discusses the negative economic side of a path of citizenship for illegal immigrants. The main argument presented is that granting a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants will cost US taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion dollars. Dunn also debunks many false reports given in the past by Democratic politicians regarding how much of taxpayers money is actually going towards illegal immigrants and their amnesty. Dunn provides solid statistic reports from the Conservative Heritage Foundation to better support the claim of a costly immigration reform. Due to the thorough investigation into this problem, the text cannot be considered as an opinion and be disregarded. The main idea in this article can be used in an even larger text as an informative piece written to inform the citizens of America. There are many Tax payers in this country and they have the right to know where their hard earned money is going . This article is used exactly in that way, to expose the politicians and policy makes about the economic dishonesty to the people of America and cause a serious debate and demand for …show more content…

"Legalization of Unauthorized Immigrants Would Benefit the US Economy." Immigration Reform, edited by Noël Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 12 Nov. 2017. Originally published as "Immigrants Are Makers, Not Takers,", 8 Feb. 2013. Fitz gives a different point of view on immigration and states that legalization of unauthorized immigrants would actually benefit the US economy. Immigrants expand the gross domestic product and contribute the social security solvent. Fitz also uses previous records and statistics to debunk many negative theories and opinions formed about immigration. Fitz uses research from the universities of UCLA and Notre Dame to further support his standpoint on the positive side of immigration. Rather than just stating strongly worded opinions, fitz gets straight to the numbers and professional research on the benefit of legalizing undocumented immigrants and what it does to boost the economy. The text and arguments presented provide valuable insight into the other world of immigration and proves itself useful as a valid