Annotated Bibliography Burn, S. M., & Busso, J. (2005). Ambivalent sexism, scriptural literalism, and religiosity Retrieved from Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29(4), 412-418. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.2005.00241.x In this article from the Psychology of Women Quarterly, the authors look into the suggestion that religiosity, "religious belief", and literal biblical interpretations are related to sexism. The study, via questionnaire, was only for Christianity, so there for excluded religions such as Jewish and Islam beliefs. They found that religiosity, and literal biblical interpretations were associated …show more content…
This documentary covers sex from ancient Rome to the Renaissance, topics such as human biology, art, humor, and attitudes. In the Middle Ages, celibacy was considered the only way, and such things as homosexuality and other sexual acts deemed sinful were punishable by death. The church actually would have art and paintings, some sexually explicit, around to depict in full view of what not to do. The Professors in this documentary discuss just how preoccupied the church became in regulating and repressing sex. A male dominated religious belief system grew from the desire to dominate politically. They felt they had a right to restrain and have power over sex. Centuries of sex being a sin has evolved into sex being embarrassing and even to extremes taboo. Religious beliefs are a powerful weapon when it comes to swaying opinions in politics and sex, especially when you are debating about sexuality, and equal rights. This documentary covers all of the sociological theories. Power and politics of the Church with symbolic, conflict and labeling theories used to rewrite and change interpretations of biblical verses in order to rule the masses by …show more content…
The author 's essay shows how the patriarchal society, were Christian symbols are used for dominating people into belief by fear. It was a kind of slavery. This essay has indications of the feminist, conflict, and symbolic interaction theories. She recognizes that women in the bible or in the eyes of the male dominated church have always been less than second-class, like how women should be veiled because she is only the reflection of "man", but men are considered the "image and reflection"