There are treatments for Anorexia Nervosa but it is important to have a health professional coordinate a plan. Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery informs that the “first step is figuring out what’s really eating you up inside. Remember fat is not a feeling, so if you feel overweight and unattractive, stop and ask yourself what’s really going on. Are you upset over something? Depressed? Stressed out? Lonely? Once you identify the emotion you’re experiencing, you can choose a positive alternative to starving”. Recent finding show how to help with this disorder such as finding a family member, friend or someone trustworthy to talk about this issue, having the support can then help you move on to fix this issue. Finding a specialists, addressing your problem and lastly making a long term plan. Its important to have a specialists because they can help find the treatment or combination of a treatment that is best for you. …show more content…
This targets the unhealthy eating behaviors of anorexia and bulimia and the unrealistic, negative thoughts that fuel them. One of the main goals is for you to become more self-aware of how you use food to deal with emotions. The therapist will help you recognize your emotional triggers and learn how to avoid or combat them. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for eating disorders also involves education about nutrition, healthy weight management, and relaxation techniques (Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery).
Using these methods help recover or treat this disorder and also learning and establishing healthy eating methods help anorexia nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa is not something that should make someone feel ashamed, if anything they should look for someone to open up too because that can even be a step upward. Understanding that the fear of gaining weight is a symptom of your