Exploring The Relationship Between Anselm And Aquinas

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This semester has been full of great readings from many different philosophers, with many different points of views. There was coverage of burning questions that every human being has, regarding the existence of God and his nature, the relationship between evil and miracles, what determines morality, and also the relationship between faith and reason. Going through all of these topics I found that there is always two different sides for each argument. We see Anselm and Aquinas butting heads on the topic of God’s existence. Aquinas also has a tussle with Maimonides on the nature of God. When it comes to the problem of evil, Leibniz and Voltaire have their different takes on it. Aquinas also has words to share about miracles alongside the opinion of Hume. And finally Hobbes and Calvin take their standpoints on faith and reason, and where to draw the line between them. My final takeaway from all of these arguments is that I should live life using my own logic and reason, because I think that it is better to develop your own ideas on God, existence, etc. with experiences, …show more content…

We are born with many questions regarding our existence and purpose, that is why have seen so many religions, cults, and organizations develop, all trying to answer these natural burning questions. Hobbes says that these religious organizations developed because of the drive of fear and curiosity. Hobbes also declares that God gave humans the gift of reason to be able to judge truth of revelation. The gift of reason cannot be fully trusted though, according to Calvin. Calvin states that man is born with an innate belief in God, but the belief can be corrupted and turned into superstitions. A superstition is believing that a certain act will affect another thing, even if they two are completely unrelated. The explanation of why this happens is because our gift of reason is developed by our desires. That is why it cannot be