
Anthropological Research And Practice By Whiteford And Trotter

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This week’s reading focused on the topic of ethics. Ethics is an important topic for applied anthropologist because they have to be aware of how to ethically conduct research in difficult situations. Many practitioners work in countries with turmoil, sensitive populations like women and children, and working with the poor. (Whiteford & Trotter 2008). As a practitioner one has to conduct oneself in a professional manner, and adhere to ethical guidelines.
Chapter one of the book Ethics for anthropological research and practice by Whiteford and Trotter focused on use of ethics by anthropologist. The first code of ethics was published in 1949 by the Society of Applied Anthropology (Whiteford & Trotter 2008). Anthropologist should behave in an ethical manner with every person they work with and certainly not coerce people in participating in research. The second chapter followed talked on how U.S government created national standards for research ethics after the Tuskegee experiment which was the …show more content…

Respect for person is protecting the individual’s right and being able to choose to participate or not, beneficence having more positivity come out of research and treating people of the research ethically, and justice focuses on the fair and equal treatment of the participants. The U.S has laws directed at ethical human research which include civil rights for all, and privacy and confidentiality protecting people’s data and personal information from being exposed. In chapter four it is all about respect for the person. So, having voluntary participants in the research, having confidentiality by protecting the information of the participants, and giving informed consent to individuals of what will be

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