Anti Aging Cream Research Paper

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Anti-aging creams and lotions
A person gets the same effect from a cream as a person would a medical procedure (Bouchez, "Hope in a Jar: Do Skin Creams Work?"). Does that sound a little fishy? There are many things that contribute in the creation of an anti-aging cream or serum. First, human growth hormone medicine can help with aging. Also antioxidants, which are substances like vitamin E and C (Harper, "Antioxidant"). Women from the 1500’s and the 1600’s discovered that by placing thin raw meat slices would minimize the appearance of wrinkles (Morrill, "Charting: A Brief History of Anti-Aging"). From there the reversing of aging was born, women from all over the world were inspired to look younger. Although anti-aging products may decrease …show more content…

There are some factors that contribute to anti-aging creams and serums that may help reduce the effects of aging. Some substances such as rentitol which help to reverse the signs of aging and antioxidants, which help repair and heal the skin from things like UV rays from the sun. Another ginormous contributor would be hyaluronic acid which helps regenerate the skin with moisture (Rekstis, "The Truth about Anti-aging Creams and Serums").

In fact anti-aging creams or serums do help reverse the signs of aging, but in order for that to happen, it must obtain a high concentrated dose for it to work. According to Dr. Destang “an active ingredient placed higher up on the list suggest higher concentrations within the product (Rekstis, "The Truth about Anti-aging Creams and Serums"). That means that the retinol, antioxidants and moisturizer should be at the top of the ingredients list.

Using these anti-aging creams or serums would help with reversing the signs of aging. The issue with this would be the time it takes. According to Dr. Destang the best skin care can take up to 4-8 weeks to show results. The skin goes through a cycle in order to produce new skin cells. In order for these anti-aging creams and serums to work a person must use them on a daily basis in order to gain all the benefits the cream or serum has to offer (Rekstis, "The Truth about Anti-aging Creams and …show more content…

Research has shown that some of the ingredients found in anti-aging creams or serums can actually harm one’s body. Plenty cures for aging are causing health hazards, for example, human growth hormone causes joint pain, diabetes and high blood pressure. Another health hazard ingredient would be testosterone, which can cause prostate and fertility problems (Sevrens, "YOUTHFUL AMBITIONS"). Not only are they causing health hazards, companies are stealing our money. Companies are now just repackaging or giving new names to old products and selling them for hundreds or even thousands of dollars (Sevrens, "YOUTHFUL

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