Antidepressant Research Paper

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Problematic Antidepressants: Pharmaceutical (SSRIs)
It is well known that for year’s physicians have prescribed natural and chemical medications to treat many psychological disabilities. Since the 1950’s, depression ‘a psychological ailment,’ have been studied many times over and continues to be debated and studied. There are numerous ways to treat mental disorders. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) medications and natural therapies are used to treat the condition of depression. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are a form of drugs developed by medical and pharmaceutical companies, with the goal of these antidepressant drugs are to target specific brain functions without affecting other cognitive skills and to reduce …show more content…

Depression is due to a problem with a brain chemical called Serotonin. Serotonin is released from glands of the brain and reabsorbed by the brain instead of going where it is needed. Some antidepressants like Prozac try to remedy that problem by preventing it from being reabsorbed so that it can go where it is needed. It is obvious for reasons already stated doctors are in essence performing uncontrolled experiments on their patients. Some of these patients may be the elderly in nursing homes or to psychiatric patients in mental facilities. Furthermore, “Ravinder Death an Accident”(, and “A Bad Mother’s Fear of Wife in Rail Line Tragedy ”(; these are just two examples of the adverse side-effects of SSRIs. “ Over 6.000 articles of newsprint of this evidence can be explored on this web page “SSRIstories Antidepressant Nightmares” ( SSRI horror stories appear in the media, newspapers, TV, and scientific journals in which prescription drugs have mentioned and in which these drugs are linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including violence and …show more content…

Diagnosed with nearsightedness I prescribed glasses for reading, but I just had dyslexia. Then later on in my teen years of youth, was diagnosed with Hyper Deficit Disorder (HDD) then placed on medications. My younger brother was diagnosed the same as myself and my son endured the same diagnoses and treatment as well, all because medical technicians had no time to spend researching the true and actual cause of my families disability traits. As a child, I learned how to cope and deal with the malfunctions in my brain patterns. I did not have HDD or depression; I just had to be active. I found other different ways to learn. Authorities in the medical fields are still studying and debating various behavioral dysfunctions to this very day. There are no medications that can help me; only the fact that I have the peace of mind to know and recognize that I have dysfunctions and know how to deal with those disorders.
During the past decade, research on mood disorders has demonstrated there is a need for proper psychological treatment. The increasing knowledge of behavioral disorders and effects they have on daily life may allow for new treatment systems that are no longer based solely on symptoms but descriptive behavior and thoughts. Until the study of depression and the disease improves, the treatment of some symptoms may be ineffective