Antigone Summary

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Antigone, niece to the high king Creon, has gone rogue.The day before, Our high king, Creon, decreed Polynices would not be buried. Polynices was a traitor to the throne, and was properly punished as such. Antigone, angry with this decree, buried her brother against the king’s wishes. The burial that took place was a simple one, but just enough that Polynices soul would be at rest. A guard found Antigone at the grave, and brought her before Creon. Judgement has been passed that she will be put in a crypt to slowly die of starvation.
Meanwhile, Ismere, Antigone’s sister has been found not guilty. Ismere will go free while her sister will not. In an interview, Ismere gave her thoughts. “You know, my sister has always been the headstrong one