Who Is Responsible For Creon's Death

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Who: Antigone
What: Creon made an edict that Polynieces is not allowed to have proper burial rites but Antigone wants to defy him and bury his brother’s corpse
Why: She must face this problem because she thinks that Polynieces deserves to be buried so that his soul may rest. Against all prohibitions and without any just cause, she will bury her brother to the point of her own death.
Solution Attempted: In order to solve her problem. Antigone decided to bury his brother Polynieces without someone knowing it was her who buried him.
Result: Antigone’s actions to resolve the conflict resulted to another problem. Creon found out that someone gave Polynieces a brurial rites. Creon suspected that some of the dissidents bribe a sentry and vows to execute the sentry but the sentry exonerates himself by catching Antigone in the act, Antigone confesses …show more content…

He must set an example to those who will dare defy him or else no one would fear him and his rules would be just nonsense.
Solution Attempted: He was able to solve his conflict when he scared a sentry that he would be executed if he doesn’t found who the real suspect that buried Polynieces body. The sentry was able to find Antigone. Antigone freely confesses. Ismene wanted to take the blame but Antigone refused. Creon condemn the death of Ismene and Antigone but later on Creon pardoned Ismene but not Antigone. It was clear to him that Antigone must die.
Result: Creon decide to seal Antigone in a cave where she was left to die. Haemon found out about his father’s plan and begged him to release her but did not agreed. Tiresias told him that the gods would send down curses if Antigone wasn’t released and this made Creon very

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