Antisocial Personality Disorder Research Paper

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Antisocial Personality Disorder/Conduct Disorder in Children According to research, studies show that inherited traits and environmental factors contribute to antisocial personality disorder/conduct disorder in children. Some children are not always what it seems. They can be sweet, caring, and polite right to your face, but turn around and be something completely different, mean, disrespectful, torturous, showing no remorse for anything. Unfortunately those kids are experiencing characteristics of antisocial personality disorder/conduct disorder.
Review of literature indicates that through research, antisocial personality disorder in child can be explained. Research will help parents and kids understand these disorders and why children …show more content…

Genetics comes in due to the frontal lobe. Impairment in the frontal lobe has been linked to conduct disorder. This part of the brain regulates emotions and is where your personality is developed. Impairment to the brain can be caused by genetics or caused by damage to the brain from injuries, those things can result in the production of conduct disorder (Rose Kivi, 2012). Studies of brain imaging have also suggested that abnormal brain function is a cause of antisocial behavior. The neurotransmitter serotonin has been linked with aggressive and harmful behavior as well. The temporal lobes and the prefrontal cortex assist regulation in mood and behavior, from a functional abnormality in serotonin levels that could be linked to the impulsive and poorly controlled behavior. Another study showed that if mothers smoke while pregnant, their babies were at risk of developing antisocial behaviors. There are many studies that have been done to try to figure the causes of antisocial behaviors, but the main cause for antisocial personality disorder and conduct disorder is unknown (John M. Grohol, …show more content…

The types of environmental factors are pretty predictable; poor parent-child relationships, dysfunctional families, inconsistent or inappropriate parenting habits, substance abuse, etc (Conduct Disorder-Children’s Health, 2015). Being an adopted child, or having been neglected and put into a orphanage can also be part of the environmental factors. Both biological and adopted children of people diagnosed with the disorder have an increased risk of developing conduct disorder or early antisocial personality disorder (Antisocial personality disorder-Mental Disorders, 2015).
Researcher have also found that antisocial personality disorder is linked to childhood physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; which may come from an abusive household member, history in the family of this disorder, a parent who is an alcoholic/addicted to a certain substance. These kind of things can damage a child’s self-perception and place him/her on a path to negative and harmful behavior. None of these qualities were found or observed in The Good Son (1993), but these are factors that can affect