Ap Human Geography Chapter 3 Essay

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CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS This is the third chapter of the research study, which is presented the materials and methods used to conduct the study. In this chapter, the researcher presented the geography and population of the study areas as well as the scope of the study. It is discussed the data collection methods used for the study and showed the limitations of the study. 3.1 Geography of the study area A study on mitigations of land degradation was conducted in Somalia and the mitigation measures was adapted from Malaysia and China. The areas Somalia, Malaysia and China, are located in the Eastern region of the African continent, and the Southeastern and Eastern Asia respectively. Somalia is located …show more content…

Since 1975, the last official records of census or human population in the literature cannot clearly be accessed. Various estimations are found and the 1975 estimation is from 3.3 million to about 6.8 million people in 2003. “The last estimation of population is 11,031,386, with a growing rate of 2%, which is derived from an official census taken in 1975 by the Somali government” (World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency, July 2017). Population in Somalia is among nomadic pastoralists, agropastoralists and urban occupiers with a significant number in business and fishing, largely along the coasts. The distribution of population seems parallel to the natural resources distribution. Population distribution is high in southern regions to about 60% of the total population while the northern regions are about 29% and central regions are only about 11%. Since the past recent years a high number of the population has been residing to cities or other more developed areas for the purpose of improving their livelihoods through developing their own business and looking for employment, while others are moved other places to rescue their life from the fights among