Ap World Religion Dbq Essay

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Religion has created and resolved many conflicts in civilizations. Throughout world history, religion has played a huge role of different societies due to the conflict that it can cause in cities, countries and even full continents. As time goes by, maturity within each religion progresses. Each religion has become more forgiving with their rules and guidelines which is a drastic difference to how it used to be when old countries used religions to unite and decide government rulers. Religion is a crucial part of civilizations, it can have many different positive and negative effects on the way countries move on.
Religion has caused major world catastrophes. A huge example of this is the Fall of Rome. Under the ruling of Constantine, Christianity …show more content…

After the Mongols conquered Asia, they held one of the most important empires that had religious freedom. “Asian Topics in World History: The Mongols in China” (Document 4) references this because of all the religions allowed in the empire, it had a better governed government and alot of education from the Buddhists. The Mongols supported religious tolerance and this is why they thrived for so long after they won the fight against Asia. They had very strong administrative power just like the people in Islam who were the financial advisors. Not only does religion support economics but it also gives people faith creates strength within them and encourages them to live on respectfully of each …show more content…

Around 268 to 232 BCE, the Ashoka empire strongly encouraged Dharma because supposedly it was the way to happiness and the way to obtain love. In this civilization there were honors and benefits of following this belief and those who chose to accept the religion. If Dharma wasn’t followed there would be consequence but the only way to be happy would be to conform to the rest of what the empire thought was right. ‘The Edicts of Kings Asoka: An English Rendering’ tells about the beliefs of Ashoka and he think that “through [his own] instruction this regard for Dharma and love of Dharma has grown day by day… my officers high, low and middle rank are practicing and conforming to Dharma, and are capable of inspiring others to do the same.” (Document 1) This has changed a lot today in the US because now, if you don’t follow the most popular religion within your city, there will be no shame among you or your family. Now most people believe that with believing in religion comes more freedom with their own thoughts. Believing in a certain religion creates an escape from stress and it isn’t as strictly followed in most households in