
Apa Case Study On Adoption

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Commitment is a powerful word, caring a strong meaning. Being committed to a kid that is not from your own blood is hard decision. According to Kramer (1982), adoption is the adult act of having the responsibilities as a parent and giving the child all his rights. Adoption began in the 1940s, especially after world war two. And it is still going on until today. With all the concepts and the history of adoption from decades, people’s perspectives changed. Thus, the perspective of a kid, parent, or even a psychologist will meet at a point and they may divert in others.

“Adoption made a difference” that was the word every kid said in many interviews, talking about how they used to feel and on the other side after getting adopted how they felt. They social interaction among the kids is so important. Growing up and being a part of a family is so helpful for the adoptees. The lack of social interaction could mental effects and a weak self-identity. : Tiffany that faced a bigger problem in adoption. As her family just gave her up to a group home were she had to share everything with the other kids even cloth. She also mentioned that she thought that she would saty in the frost until she is 18 because there is no family that would like to adopt a teenager. Also, AdoptUSKids represented: David who was …show more content…

But for psychologists they classified the adoption as bonding. For this bonding to happen it demand some factors. “Time” it is one of the most effective factors in the relation between the kid and the adoptive parents. As it may take 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months according to researches-based timeline in the adoption and Safe Families Act. Another main factor is the behavior from both sides. Either it is the behavior of the kid and how he reacts to the new life. Or by how the parents are treat and deal with the kids. And more factors are based on the relation between the parent and the

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