Aparigraha Research Paper

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Object Release I have looked over these five faucets of Yama and attempted to contemplate which one would help me most improve myself. I have decided that my weakest point in this area is Aparigraha. Although all of the areas of Yama I believe are very important I find this to be my area that needs the most improvement immediately. There are many things that I have that I do not truly need, and I think that by improving this area I could improve upon who I am and become more at peace with myself. I would love to improve this area of myself to give my life a level of simplicity that I think could not only help me mentally, but also make my life more efficient as I progress through my day. I think that I have come to a point in my life where …show more content…

The first thing that I need to do is get rid of all of the duplicate items I have. There are many things that I keep multiples of just in case something gets damaged or lost, but there is a point where 4-5 pairs of running shoes becomes overwhelming. Being prepared is one thing, but when you need that many pairs of back up shoes you have gone too far. I will need to do this with many of my items and the way I would like to do this is through charity organizations such as Goodwill and the shoe donations that send shoes to those people who can’t afford them or have no access. I think that not only will this rid the anxiety of the items and reduce clutter, but it will also make me feel as though I am contributing to others. Then I need to go through all of my drawers and cabinets and look for the things that I never use. If it has not been used in over a few months and I can’t foresee any reason that I would need it in the near future then it also must be given away. I will continue this process when I go home for Thanksgiving. I have already started finding things that I don’t think I need anymore and I am going to put them all in a bag and donate them. I think that this could really help me to become a better me, a me that isn’t so wrapped up in

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