Aphrodite Research Paper

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CLAS 1110, Fall 2015, MW12, Yarrow
Writing Assignment #2
NY Times: Aphrodite
Word Count: 1031 The name of Aphrodite has been used in a number of different context ranging from names of business to names of victim family members. No matter the context the name resonates with the Greek goddess. Some stories resonate more than others however, even in the shallowest of context the name symbolizes power, determination and womanhood. In the first news article from the New York Times personal ad where a female personal trainer who describes herself as a “fit, disciplined Aphrodite and triathlon nut,”[1] claiming that love has nothing to do with it and that all she is looking for is to have the sense of superiority that comes from tormenting …show more content…

Titled, “Aphrodite and Me” details the author’s experience with the city of Cyprus and the goddess influence within the historical cities. Visiting both the baths and the sanctuary of Aphrodite, to his displeasure, the author found that the cities were crowed with very few with artifacts remaining. It is said that Aphrodite roses from the waters of Southern Cyprus.[3] Though this article is specific as it draws from the historical context of the Goddess herself. It doesn’t give much variety for interpretation on how the goddess has affected his experience. One could say that the goddess played a little role in the writer’s journey because he felt no love for the city and its sites. In this article, he does state that Cyprus is one of the worst places to visit. Though the goddess of love and beauty is supposedly from here it is odd that the author had such a horrible and anaphrodisiactic experience. However this article does give great incite onto the workings of ancient and present day Greece. Many of the cities are no longer in their origin form due to other nations taking over. The baths of Aphrodite are horrible because of the massive public attraction making them nearly inaccessible. Based solely on his article, the history of Cyprus has not been well preserved. Making it impossible to take it in the beauty of the ancient …show more content…

A program between the two cities will send 16 New Rochelle residents to La Rochelle to develop community partnership. La Rochelle is said to have ''risen from the sea like Aphrodite.''[4] State by Raymond Silar, author of the book ''La Rochelle’’ describing the beauty of the city and its wonders. Many of the visitors from New Rochelle described the difference in customs between the Americans and the French. Niceties like what flowers to bring and which not. But the main focus is the fact that like the goddess of beauty and love, this beauty coastal city of La Rochelle rose from the ocean. Such languages reveals the well-known fact of Aphrodite’s beauty and using it in metaphorical context shows that knowledge of the ancient Greeks is