The moon landing of July 1969 by NASA astronauts, “Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin is important enough to stay in all history textbooks for all times to come. What was once an impossible dream is now a reality. In the words of Neil Armstrong, one of the first men to land on the moon , Apollo 11 was “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. The moon landing revolutionized vital technologies that are commonly used today for a variety of purposes socially, economically and culturally. “ It was 45 years ago that Neil Armstrong took the small step onto the surface of the moon that changed the course of history. The years that followed saw a Space Age of scientific, technological and human research, on which we have built the modern era.”(NASA Content Administrator 1). Socially …show more content…
Many of the contributions to modern technology that shaped businesses and industries today date back to the spacecraft engineering required for the moon landing. An article by Sharon Gaudin quotes Daniel Lockney, the editor of Spinoff, NASA’s annual publication: “There were remarkable discoveries in civil, electrical, aeronautical and engineering science, as well as rocketry and the development of core technologies that really pushed technology into the industry it is today" (Gaudin 1). “Without the research and development that went into those space missions, top companies like Intel Corp. may not have been founded, and the population likely wouldn't be spending a big chunk of work and free time using laptops and Blackberries to post information on Facebook or Twitter.”(Gaudin 1) In this way, technology from the Apollo missions to the moon had a huge and extraordinary impact economically because it brought about revolutionary changes and new industries. Technology similar to that used in the moon landing helps make the economy more efficient. Technological industries became more efficient and successful like aerospace, communications, computers, and