
How Did Neil Armstrong Influence The Man On The Moon

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The Man On The Moon
“That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” this is the quote Neil Armstrong said when he first walked on the moon with Buzz Aldrin in the Apollo 11 mission on July, 20th 1969. This is what changed space exploration, this was groundbreaking for a man to walk on the moon this changed not only his life but others too. Neil Armstrong was an important figure in American history because he showed the space community that there is more to be found and discovered in space than the moon and also pushing people to go farther than the moon. He also inspired millions showing people what you can achieve if you work hard and work together. Many people honor him for what he did and his determination a quote to show this is “I believe that every human has a finite number of heartbeats I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercise”. …show more content…

He went to Blume High School in 1947 after high school, he went to Purdue University in 1947-1955 then in 1970 he was at the University Of Southern California. Neil Armstrong would be the man that he was, he was in the Navy he also flew an X-15 rocket plane and served time in the war he was also taught astronomy and NASA took interest in him.
Edwards Calif was the man that inspired Neil Armstrong to go into space he helped him build and test planes making NASA build an interest in him. NASA started Neil Armstrong's career by accepting him into a space exploration program he joined NASA on August 5th, 1930. The lesson that Neil Armstrong has learned from this experience is that hard work is always paid off no matter what you do in life. He also had to do many tests before he could even get the right craft to work and also to find the right people for the job and the

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