
Apollo Layout

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Using the inscriptions that had been found throughout the site, archeologists and scholars that worked with their teams did a fantastic job in deciphering the meanings of the entire layout of the site. The layout itself wasn’t necessarily to complex and most likely was very simple to people that visited. It has a trapezoid enclosure that ran SE-NW on an extremely steep slope that was estimated to measure 145 x 195 meters (Sakoulas). As many would guess, the Temple of Apollo is the central aspect of the layout of Delphi. The main road to reach it is along the eastern portion of the site and Sacred Way itself winds its way around the memorials and treasuries up to the temple (“Delphi. The Sanctuary” 1). To the west of temple the archeologists …show more content…

In order to even step foot onto the sanctuary itself, any visitors would have to go and purify themselves amongst the springs of Castalia. Many would only have to simply wash their hair or lightly bathe, but for those who had the “guilt of blood stained on their souls”, would have to fully cleanse their bodies. Including the priests, the temple staff, and for those who were in charge of cleaning the temple (Blakely). The river makes its path down a ravine between the cliffs that are called the Phaedriades and the water itself is very cold and is well known for its clearness. Giving it the well known legend that it inspired poetic ideas. Even with earthquakes causing damage to it, archeologists found evidence of forced rerouting of the river through canals. Which used four different spots to feed the water into a court of paved stone that had steps below it along with lined …show more content…

The only problem was that there was no way of telling if this was the chasm that would produce vapors. Faults are well known to bring gases to the surface though and what was originally stated about lack of a chasm was beginning to be questioned. Then later in 1996, geologists found more and more minor faults that went through the site that showed the possibility of methane from vapors to be present in the Castalia Spring (“Plutarch”). Methane is well known to produce a trance in people even though they remain conscious, answer questions, and even experience out of body feelings and

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