Application Essay: Lego League And Science Olympiad

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There are few words I want to be known by: passionate environmentalist, enthusiastic builder, team player, dependable friend, adventure seeker, caring mentor, and a proud champion of my school. I believe and place tremendous value on these attributes. From a young age, I have been fascinated to learn about how things work. Participating in science fairs gave me the opportunity to explore science concepts closely. However, I felt that my learning was incomplete until I found ways to apply them. First Lego League and Science Olympiad gave me several avenues to use my knowledge. Non-traditional math using the Abacus helped me visualize numbers and improved my spatial reasoning which was very critical for my future building endeavors. My enrollment …show more content…

I have participated in National History Day competitions for the past five years. Some of the topics that I researched (and won awards at State and National levels) have influenced me greatly. Dr. Harvey Washington Wiley’s campaign for safe foods and better food labeling led me to research current food labeling laws. Over the last four years, I have organized Food Day at my middle and high schools to bring awareness about healthy eating and highlight the importance of reading and understanding food labels. In 2014, I organized a week-long program for Food Day, securing grants and bringing together township officials, teachers, administrators, experts, and students, to conduct various artistic events, workshops, and school-wide activities. The experience taught me a lot about organizing and interacting with people across various age groups as well as how to deal with rejection and success with the same degree of equanimity. One milestone crossed means that the next one is not too far off on the horizon. I set my own benchmarks and never believe in one-upmanship, a lesson I learned from my research on JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis. It is also one of the reasons why I gravitate towards golf - a sport where you are your own competition. I am currently on my school’s Varsity Girls Golf