Gssm Accomplishments

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Though I have had many achievements and disappointments, one thing that I have always been proud of is my ardor for everything that I do. The Governor’s School for Science and Math offers a rigorous path to pursue, but it is the one that I have dedicated myself to for many years. GSSM opens up a myriad of new doors for me; it will provide me with opportunities some people would never even dream of. My lively personality will fit in perfectly with GSSM’s positive environment and, in spite of the necessary sacrifices, the reward far outweighs the cost. My dynamic personality will contribute to the society of The Governor’s School in various ways. I am always changing, growing, and aspiring to do more. For example, over the past two seasons of Cross Country I have been presented with the challenge of not being a gifted athlete. Despite this hindrance, my zeal and devotion for running caused me to take more than 10 minutes off my 5k time. GSSM is a multifaceted community that would suit me perfectly. I contribute to my current school by participating in many activities such as Spanish Club, Beta Club, Cross Country, Orchestra, musicals, Academic Challenge, and Peer Tutoring. In …show more content…

My own high school has challenged me thus far, but I am now at a point where I require a higher level. I have already surpassed the obstacles presented to me by my current classwork and I am no longer inspired. GSSM would renew my zest for learning and encourage me to become something better. I am capable of so much more, but at an intermediate level, I will never reach my full potential. GSSM will allow me to advance through challenging coursework quickly and cover more ground. The Governor’s School could also supply me with a talented sports team and a way to meet new people and grow socially. It is clear to me that although I will be leaving much behind, the rewards of attending GSSM far outweigh the