Applied Behavior Analysis

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What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)? ABA is a science which seeks to understand and improve the behavior of humans (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007; Newman, 2012). ABA utilizes scientific procedures which are empirically validated in order to assist the individual to develop socially valued skills (Sigafoos, 2008). It views the environmental variables which have an influence on the individual’s behavior while also looking at the functional relationship of the behavior in the environment and the targeted behavior. Individuals learn behavior and it serves a function for the individual; via it is negative reinforcement (escape from demands or tasks), automatic reinforcement (sensory), or positive reinforcement (attention or tangibles). However, …show more content…

First we must understand ABA is not a treatment for autism but it does work in the treatment of autism (Newman, 2012; Sigafoos, 2008). Behavioral treatment and education of autism previously was through the use of psychodynamic treatment (Celeberti, Alessandri, Fong, & Weiss, 1993). Unfortunately, there were no empirical validation that these techniques were successful in the behavioral treatment and education of those with autism (Celeberti, Alessandri, Fong, & Weiss, 1993). As an alternative to psychodynamic treatment, the emergence of behavior therapy in combination with operant conditioning began in the early 1960’s (Celeberti, Alessandri, Fong, & Weiss, 1993). The challenging behaviors of those with autism were believed to have a function and could be changed by controlling the antecedent and reinforcing stimulis (Celeberti, Alessandri, Fong, & Weiss, 1993). Beginning the path of utilizing behavioral interventions of autism and the the principles of ABA. Throughout the years ABA principles have been applied with children with autism by implementing programs such as Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), teaching appropriate behaviors through social reinforcers, and behavior modification of challenging behaviors within various environments (Celeberti, Alessandri, Fong, & Weiss, 1993; Lovass, …show more content…

When treating autism it should be based on scientific method not on popularity (Green, 2008). When utilizing evidenced-based practices the interventions should be tested directly and controlled studies comparisons of interventions with no interventions or other interventions completed in order to rule out alternative explanations for behavior (Green, 2008).
According to research, early intervention is key along with treatment consisting of at least 15 to 40 hours a week. Early intervention has shown improvements in development when used with ABA (Green, 2008 & Lovaas, 1987). Intervention techniques such as Discrete Trial Training (DTT) utilizes the presentation of discriminative stimulus to the individual and upon the individual responding a consequence is given based on the response of the individual. DTT is beneficial due it can be taught in small repeatable steps (shaping, modeling, prompting,