Apush Chapter 13 Study Guide

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History timeline assignment: 1.) Establishment of the Station 1828-1838- Between 1828 and 1984 North Head was used as a site for the Quarantine of people infected or having any suspension of carrying infection or any disease. The first ship to be quarantined in Spring Cove was the convict ship the Bussorah Merchant for an outbreak of smallpox. The convicts and their guards were housed in tents on shore. In 1837 the site landed the sick and infected passengers and crew of the immigrant ship the Lady McNaughton spurned by Typhus fever and scarlet fever. 54 of the immigrants to the 12 colony died on the voyage and this was followed by 17 more during their lengthy Quarantine. 2.) Immigration phase 1839-1880: 1839-1880 the Quarantine Station could accommodate up to 150 people. However when they needed more space for 1000 immigrants, at the one time facilities were found to be grossly poor and a building program was required once more. A hulk ship, called the Harmony, was moored in Spring Cove for use as a hospital for men and a barracks was built to accommodate single women in the former Sick Ground. This was followed by two new buildings to house 60 people each. During this time the first cemetery was also levelled and the grave stones moved to a new cemetery so that the burials were not in view from the healthy ground. …show more content…

If it was suspected that a person was either infected with smallpox, or had come in contact with someone infected with smallpox, they could be taken from their home and sent to the Quarantine Station with as little as five minutes notice. This, combined with the shortages of the Quarantine stations facilities resulted in so many complaints that a Royal Commission was ordered resulting in the dismissal of the Superintendent of the Quarantine Station and the establishment of a ‘Board of Health’ to operate the Quarantine