Arabidopsis Thaliana Lab Report

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Results Figure 1 This image to the left represents the gel in the gel electrophoresis chamber before being run. As seen here, the DNA samples of the WD, WU, MD, and MU were all underfilled. In other words, there was not enough sample loaded. This was a potential error that could result in no bands after electrophoresis. Figure 2a Figure 2b Figure 2a represents the gel fully run through gel electrophoresis for thirty minutes and figure 2b represents the expected results from the gel electrophoresis run. As seen by figure 2b, there are bands present in all lanes except for land three which is the wild type digested DNA sample. It is very faint, but in lane three of figure 2a, there appears to be a slight band apposed to the …show more content…

Due to this lack of data, it was difficult to answer this question. The purpose of this laboratory experiment was to determine whether the silencing of the FWA gene found in the plant does or does not contribute to the late flowering of the Arabidopsis Thaliana in which we hypothesized we could detect this difference using a restriction enzyme, McrBC, but again, it was difficult to understand if the McrBC was able to detect this because no bands were present. In other words, the hypothesis proclaimed in the laboratory experiment could not be supported or falsified because of the lack of interpretable results to allow us to determine the specific evidence that supports or falsifies the …show more content…

Some of these errors include the excessive addition of the mutant undigested DNA to the MU tube in which the entire sample of the DNA (approximately 4 µL) was added instead of 2.5 µL. The next experimental error was the underloading of the DNA samples into the wells. When the DNA was put into the well, all of the DNA were underloaded and after the gel undergone electrophoresis, bands were not present. As seen in Figure 2a in the results section, only bands for the marker were shown and the rest were not shown. Comparing this to the expected results reveals that there was an error in this phase of the experiment. Due to the fact that we have no bands present and are thus unable to compare them the expected results, a number of other factors could have gone wrong as well. This could include in the the amplification of DNA by PCR procedure in which one were supposed to load exactly 2.5 µL of the DNA sample to its respective tube. There could have been an inaccurate addition of this amount of DNA to the tubes and thus resulted in not enough digest enzyme in order for bands to be present when run through gel

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