Arcadia Customer Management Essay

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UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE School of Computer Science Modular BSc Honours in Information Technology 6COM0285 – Information Technology Project Final Report April 2015 Arcadia Customer Management Software(CMS) S Northey Supervised by: J,Wei Abstract This report proposes the development of a web application that will help a start-up company that will help centralise employee and customer records. To complete this project, I will research what makes a great user interface. This report will cover the development of a web application starting with research and analysis of existing applications, it will then go onto the design of the project, the implementation, testing then the evaluation of the completed project. Acknowledgements …show more content…

I have some past experience with carrying out requirements in a past module. To create the functional requirements, I first needed to determine the actors of the database, these are the people that can interact with the system. Then I needed to decide which scenarios that the actors will interact with the system. After this I put the use cases in a use case diagram to give a visual representation of the functional requirements. I decided to use this technique as it is the one I have been taught on my university course and therefore I am comfortable to apply it to my work. Actors User:A person who can interact with the system and can make changes to it such as add/remove user and customer details as well as searching and viewing user and customer records from the database. Use Cases Diagrams can be seen in APPENDIX D Use Case Name: The User Login Description: This use case describes the scenario where the user logs into the application, with the username and password he has been provided …show more content…

I used it to show the transitions between the screens when the button had been clicked most of the transitions within the application are straight forward, however this technique helped me with the design of the system. Implementation This section of the report will explain how I created the system, showing the different stages and processes that I gone through to develop a working prototype. I will discuss the reasoning behind using certain techniques, and highlighting any problems that I had come across during the implementation. 5.1 Database Implementation To create the database I used the WAMP server tool, which includes Apache, MySQL and PHP. Included in the software is PHP MyAdmin which I will be using to manage the MySQL database. 5.2 Creation of Tables I decided to use PHPMyAdmin to create the tables, I created a database called(stephendb). I used my ERD diagram to help me create my tables. PHPMyAdmin allows you to create tables with SQL queries, it also gives you the option of adding date with forms. Figure 7:mySQL