The play, “A Doll House,” written by Henrik Ibsen, follows the downfall of a flawed marriage as the main character deals with the backlash of a hidden secret. The story takes place in the nineteenth century, which serves as justification for the portrayal of women and their activity within the story. After taking out a loan in her deceased father’s name, the wife, Nora, tries to manage the situation and keep her husband from finding out as events unfold. In the end, she leaves her husband, Torvald, and her kids in an effort to establish her own identity. Within the play, the protagonist and hero of the story, Nora, reveals the theme of women’s role in society through her change in character and action of leaving her family, and the theme of marriage through her love for her husband. An archetypal hero is usually defined as having the characteristics such as unusual circumstances of birth, having supernatural help, or even a journey where they have to prove themselves. However, in this particular story, the protagonist doesn’t necessarily fit the role of an archetypal hero and leans more towards a transcendental hero. This type of heroic archetype is defined as a hero of tragedy whose fatal flaw brings about his downfall but not before some kind of transforming realization or wisdom. Nora fits this description given her secret about the …show more content…
Through the course of the play, her downfall ultimately leads to a high point in her life. She is able to become more self-aware and stick up for herself, something unheard of when this play was written. Thought the series of events being portrayed are somewhat sad and depressing, the themes highlight important messages and offer an uplifting view towards Nora’s