Archetypes In Pride And Prejudice Essay

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Freud's theories and research methods were controversial during his life and still are today, but few dispute his tremenWhat I understood by archetypes is that they are inborn behavior tendencies which shape the human behavior. Jung main archetypes are not 'types' in the way that each person may be classified as one or the other. Rather, we each have all basic archetypes within us. They are based in the observation of differing but repeating patterns of thought and action that re-appear time and again across people and different places, like in the form of some old myth, symbols, etc. An archetype is like a model image of a person or role and includes the mother figure, father, wise old man and clown/joker, amongst others.

The mother figure, for example, has caring qualities; she …show more content…

Another example of anima and animus can be found in Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice which presents the anima archetype played by Mr Darcey.
we each have a persona - an identity which we wish to project to others. this persona can be constructed from archetypes in the collective unconscious, or be influenced by ideas of social roles in society. For example, a father may adopt traits which he considers to be typical of a father, serious or disciplining, rather than those which reflect his actual personality.

There was one very interesting study of Zimbardo prison study which showed how much effect can a role have on our persona. For instance, assigned a role, such as that of a prison guard, people often behave as they would expect someone in their role to act.

This clarifies that the persona is not a true reflection of our consciousness, but rather an idealised image which people aspire to therefore identifying too much with a persona can lead to inner conflicts and a repression of our own individualitydous impact on psychologists and many academic